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Part 1: Trip to Japan - Highlights at the World Green Tea Festival

There were many events and interesting activities during the festival – I enjoyed all and learned a lot about green tea.

Tea tasting by a green tea specialist – it was a long line up but… I got my turn and tried a fresh local green tea “Fuka Mushi Sencha” – the taste was rich and the grassy flavor spread in my mouth – so good!


The festival was for “world” green tea, so there were some nice displays about other green teas from all over the world – mostly from Asia.

Can you guess what these are? They are green tea mist and humidifiers for refreshing the air. You can put your face closer to the mist and get a fresh green tea aroma from it.

Green tea is used and mixed with different things these days. A moisturizer lotion is one of the trends in Japan. Here, you can get a massage with green tea hand lotion by an esthetician.

I participated in a Korean tea ceremony presented by a Korean tea master. It was my first time to see their tea ceremony. Beautiful and elegant tea manners, plus Korean green tea has a very delicate and subtle taste. I enjoyed it very much.

Tibetan butter tea – some butter and salt are mixed with the tea…interesting flavour.

And…Turkish tea – very sweet black tea.

Look! Houjicha ice cream!! Loved the earthy roasted taste with espresso color.

A Chinese marbled tea egg stewed in Puerh tea – beautiful!

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